Bead Art by Justina Coffey
Welcome to Bewilderbeads, a web gallery devoted to my obsessive, compulsive beadhavior. A showcase to my asylum of bead therapy in which you will find a wide variety of beadskills in each gallery. Most items are one-of-a-kind creations, but some can be recreated.
Galleries are located under "More"
Wired: All things wire-wrapped.
Strung-out: Items created with simple stringing techniques.
Pinned: A gallery devoted to pins and brooches.
Shackled: One of a kind beaded bracelets.
Boxed-in: Paper mache boxes, covered in fabric with beadwork.
Fringe Experiments: Mostly things with a fringe.
Recurring Dreams: Items that can be easily reproduced.
Alternate Identities: One-of-a-kind Beaded masquerade
Isolation Tank: Projects and 3D sculptures never to be recreated.